I was told this is heartleaf aster (Symphyotrichum cordifolium) but the leaves are more like arrowleaf aster (S. urophyllum). Whatever it is, I was also told it belongs in shade. I'm thinking that's not entirely correct since this is all it's accomplished in two years.

A fuschia S. novae-angliae passalong...

...and a purple one my grandma gave me.

The sky blue asters, S. oolentangiense, always look like lovely lavender clouds.

A pink NOID native whose tag is long lost...

and a white one. Both from Prairie Nursery many years ago. Not shown is the S. ericoides, heath aster, which is already done for the season. :(

And remember, greyhounds are an important part of any fall garden!

Yes, greyhounds always complement the autumn landscape. I wonder if your NOID ex-Aster is a lateriflorus? I love them all, but the fuschia S. novae-angliae steals the show.
Beautiful asters Diane. You've got a nice, diverse collection of them.
Yes, a really nice collection and they all look so healthy and bright. Great color in the fall landscape, enhanced and overseen by your Greyhound.
Love all the asters! I never get sick of them and want to add more here.
Totally beautiful!!
Beautiful asters, Diane! The pink one is really an eye-catcher. I agree, too, that everyone needs a guard-en dog:) Sorry, just couldn't resist the awful pun.
I don't know how I missed so many of your posts! Bad, bad Monica! The only bit of useless info I can contribute about asters that like shade is that this actually true for the native bigleaf aster (Eurybia macrophylla).
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