The nasturtiums by the alley fence didn't like being trained up the fence, but the vines on the ground did well in their shady spot. Still very few flowers, but the foliage softens the boundary between fence and ground and has a cute woodlandy look. You can still see the sad yellow vines that I had trained upwards.

What have I learned doing this project?
1) I can't comment on other nasturtium varieties, but at least the Spitfires do best on the ground. Planting them in a crowded spot and hoping they'll fill out up on a trellis does not work. Even draping the vines upward doesn't work, as the vines soon become spindly and yellow. Mine also didn't do great in containers; the leaves were smaller and the vines stayed short.
2) The Spitfires didn't flower as much as I was hoping, which is too bad because I love their color. I'd like to try other nasturtiums, perhaps yellow ones, that flower more reliably. However, nasturtium foliage is very cool and is worth the effort by itself.
3) Wintersowing is totally the way to start these babies. Direct sowing, for me, was a complete failure, and I have no patience for grow lights and hardening off.
4) The hottest part of the summer is rough but with enough water, the plants will pull through and look lovely in the cooler late summer and fall. My plants survived both in full sun and mostly shade.
Special thanks to Mr. Brown Thumb and to Renee's Garden for putting this project together. I hope everyone had a good time and that the shared feedback has been useful! I've enjoyed seeing everyone's stories and hopefully we can do this again sometime. Cheers!
I'm growing Nasturtium 'Spitfire' for the GROW project. Thanks to Renee's Garden for the seeds.
Glad it did well for you, Diane. It's a pretty thing. Not a good year for nasturtiums here, for some reason.
It's obvious from how good your nasturtiums look now that they prefer these cooler temperatures of fall. This just wasn't a good year for nasties here with the heat and drought, but I'll definitely try them again next year. As you say, they have really cool foliage, even when they don't bloom!
I like the foliage, too... when they're doing well. They seemed to flourish in Spring and now, again, in Fall. I winter-seeded them, also. It worked great! I probably won't grow them again, though. There are so many wonderful alternatives. Perhaps you'd like Lady's Mantle Alchemilla mollis foliage?
Great recap of your growing experience Diane. Hope you try some of the mounding varieties next year.
#3 Wintersowing is always the best way to start seeds, w00t w00t! ;-) Also, I love the single nasty in with the asters--purple/orange is one of my favorite color combos. I love the secondary colors combined!
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