Biggest. Sunflower. Ever.

Seriously, what sunflower has a trunk??

ETA: I measured the sunflower and it is 11 feet 4 inches tall, 4 3/4 inches diameter where my hand is. On 7/16 it has 4 flowers open and about 20-ish more buds. The thing is a freakin' TREE. Did I mention it's a volunteer? Why are my best plants accidental?
Monarda didyma 'Violet Queen' and Schizachyrium scoparium, little bluestem grass, in the prairie garden

The double cosmos 'Rose Bon Bon' seeds from Renee's that came with the Spitfire nasturtiums have just started to bloom.

Do I ever get tired of taking pictures of red admirals? (Answer: no)

Or swallowtails? (again: no)

Ox-eye sunflowers, Heliopsis helianthoides, in the prairie garden

Speaking of the prairie garden... This view just makes me so happy!

My favorite weed (good thing, because I have a lot of it): Commelina communis, the Asiatic dayflower

And let's not forget what's happening indoors! I lost two of my African violets and a third is in its death throes, but this guy still loves me.

Even the City of Chicago celebrates Bloom Day!

Thanks as always to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting!