(l) The species tulips in the garage garden are still going strong! (r) The newly planted species tulips in the front yard are more spindly than I expected, but I love the color.

(l) Vinca minor, which I've tried without success to eradicate. Left to its own devices, it will eventually choke the entire garden. (r) Pulmonaria 'Trevi Fountain', one of my favorite plants; semi-evergreen, purple flowers, variegated leaves, thrives in shade; what's not to love?

Daffodillies! Hyacinths!

Bleeding heart, Dicentra spectabilis; eastern redbud, Cercis canadensis

And back in the house, both of my Haworthias are blooming. This one is Haworthia cooperi.

The view out the window, touched by early morning light
What else is blooming today? Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to see!
What a pretty view looking down on the flowering trees! Happy Bloom Day Diane!
Your tulips are so pretty. I added a couple species tulips this year. I used to grow several varieties. Really like the striped foliage.
That is a great photo from the second floor of you house.
So glad to see spring has come to the midwest! Love the early morning shot, that really captures the season...
Lovely view out the window. And your species tulips are pretty. I grow heaps of them and every year seem to end up planting more of them - love the way they naturalize.
Spring is such a glorious time, isn't it? This year's show of blooms is spectacular. Glad to see your bleeding heart is doing well, too. I think I finally figured out that they are moisture lovers, and last year's excess of rain was probably just what they needed. Your species tulips are so colorful. I'm still a sucker for the hybrids; I guess I'm keeping the bulb companies in business:)
Beautiful view of the flowering trees. Gives a whole new perspective to spring:)
The Pulmonaria is really nice, don't think I've ever paid attention to it before. Your bleeding hearts are waaaay ahead of mine.
Love the shots of the blooming trees.
Love the flowering tree overhead shot!
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