I made a secret gardening vow not to spend any money on perennials this summer. I didn't tell anybody about this vow in case I started buying plants. However, it is now mid-July and I've stuck to it so far. Except the $5 I spent on two daisies to replace the two that died over the winter. Shush, that doesn't count.
Today I planted seven wonderful new plants without breaking any vows. How did I do it, you ask? Well, I entered a contest at
In The Garden Online for a $50 gift certificate from
Annie's Annuals, and I won! I wandered through Annie's lovely on-line catalog, which is filled with plants not usually available here in the Midwest, and found seven that I just had to have.
The shipping cost was pretty steep, but the box arrived quickly and the quality of the packaging cannot be denied:
The plants arrived in great condition...

and with rootballs wrapped in plastic and damp paper, were very easy to remove from their pots and plant in various spots in the garden. They don't look like much yet, but just you wait...
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis' and
Heuchera sanguinea 'White Cloud' in part shade under the viburnum
Dianthus arenarius and
Campanula medium 'Deep Blue' in the part-shade north garden
Echinops ritro ruthenicus...
Linum lewisii (blue flax) in the prairie garden
and finally,
Verbena bonariensis in the foundation garden. This one is technically Zone 7 and doesn't belong in my Zone 5b garden, but I put it in a warm, protected corner on the south side of the house and hopefully it will survive the winter. Incidentally, this is the very plant I said I wanted when I entered the contest :)
Wish my new babies luck! Many many thanks to
Annie's Annuals and to
Colleen for making these new additions to the garden possible!