I left work a bit early and went to the Garden Show on Navy Pier today. It was lovely as usual but would it be wrong of me to say I was underwhelmed compared to past, pre-Rosemont years? There seemed to be fewer of the Big Impressive Gardens than usual, no model railroad, and fewer big woody plants (though I realize those are expensive and unwieldy and the early leafing is harmful). I also missed seeing the houseplant competition winners (though the photo competition was nice). I managed to make it out of the marketplace with only four plants. I kind of regret not going back to look at the oak-leaf earrings but maybe next year (or maybe I was harboring some resentment that he had no basswood jewelry!).

The Chicago Park District garden was my favorite by far. They can come install it in my back yard as soon as the show is over.
More pictures here (plus bonus duck!): Flickr photoset
Since it was my first time going to the show on Saturday, I didn't have anything to compare it to. I really enjoyed it though, and may even go back this week.
You got a nice shot of the green roof. I took a bunch of shots of the roof but every one of them was blurry.
I liked the victorian bedroom garden too. Did you notice the flower pot dog? I loved that thing! I might have to try to make one.
I've wanted to go and am never able to.
The Greening up display was one of my faves too. Like GG my shots of the green roof were pretty much fails.
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