I moved the potted plant to a shadier spot, and it looks a little more alive now.

The plant vining up the alley fence looks good. It gets sun in the afternoon but the roots are shaded.

The plants I meant to go up the railing are also turning into a very pretty, yet flowerless, groundcover.

Part of that same plant, going where I meant for it to go:

And so you don't think I have zero flowers, here's one! (it's not quite that red in real life)

From the side... note cool nectar spur:

So how do your Spitfires grow?
I'm growing Nasturtium "Spitfire" for the GROW project. Thanks to Renee's Garden for the seeds.
Nasturtium are one of my favourite flowers, and yes indeed the leaves are beautiful in their own right! I am not growing Spitfire from Renee's but am growing their Amazon Jewel and Mounding Cherries Jubilee...what a beautiful red the latter has turned out to be, but slow to start blooming compared to others. Amazon Jewel is equally as lovely and I would grow both again. BTW..I really enjoy your blog)))
Yours are looking good! And *thank you* for incidentally saying nectar spur--I was just wondering what the name of that thingie was and it's kind of hard to Google it using terms like "wingy pokey protrusion on ack of flower." :)
Funny how the nasties don't like too much sun...but they get grumpy about too little sun as well! Picky Picky! Other than that though, they are relatively low maintenance. I love the ones you have spilling over the edge of the bricks.
The foliage is cute Diane, and it's nice to see you have at least a few blooms. It seems like they don't really like hot weather. I wonder if they'll bloom more in cooler fall weather.
p.s. I like how you experimented with them in several places. It's illuminating seeing the differences in their growth patterns and both climbing and trailing habits depending on where they were planted.
Yours are looking great -- I'm glad to hear that they perked up when you gave them a little shade. I decided to move mine to a shadier spot because they've just been limping along in all of this heat lately.
BTW, I spent the day trying to remember what the nectar spur was called and couldn't. Glad I finally got around to commenting on the posts and re-read yours.
@Bren - Aww, thanks! I've seen pics of the Cherries Jubilee and would like to try it next year.
@Monica and MBT - Glad I could help :)
@GardenMom - Yes, very picky - I'm starting to think they're best in containers that I can move around the yard from day to day.
@garden girl - I have not reported on the ones I planted near trellises, since they sort of got swallowed up by the perennials. That experiment didn't go so well :/
@Colleen - They seem to be a bit like clematis - shaded roots and sunny vines are a good combination of conditions.
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