1) Buy a hedgehog
2) Buy cool stuff from Ted's Greenhouse
Done, and done!

Crassula ovata 'Gollum', Crassula muscosa, hedgehog, Crassula rupestris x perforata 'Baby Necklace'. Omg cute!!

Pachypodium saundersii

Not a new purchase, but I put it here so someone will ID it for me. Crassula something? Echeveria something? It had some serious phototropism problems so I cut it into straight sections that are now rooting in various pots. If even half of these leaves and stem cuttings take root, I'm going to have way too many of this plant. But that doesn't stop me, of course.
I'm wishing I'd bought one of those Pachies too. Although, with my luck I'd probably end up dropping it on my bare foot.
Sorry, can't help with the ID of the last guy.
Awesome... I love that crassula rupestris. I have the same one from Teds! Can't help with your ID though, sorry.
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