My pre-Christmas amaryllis is finally starting to sprout. I seriously overwatered it during the Bt fungus gnat treatments so I hope it's okay. It's a Smith + Hawken from Target; I didn't really want another amaryllis, but I could not pass up that cool metallic pot.
Bowie, my so-cool Bowiea volubilis, is once again on its January trek towards the ceiling. The first vine emerged around Christmas Day. Then I...broke it. Oops. Luckily, a second shoot emerged on Jan. 18, and I promise not to touch it. I love this plant and am excited to see that the bulb is finally getting fat and interesting. I will have to repot it this spring into a wider, shallow pot, and give it a support less pathetic than that bit of dogwood stick.
Pseudorhipsalis ramulosa, not doing anything interesting, really; I just wanted to show a picture of it. I am developing a deep affection for the leafy-looking cacti.
You've got some very cool house plants Diane.
I'm about to give up on growing amaryllis. I've never been able to get them to rebloom. I have one now that hasn't even sprouted yet after light and water since early November. The bulb is green, firm, and healthy, but no leaves, at least not yet. (Oh well, it's from last year, and it probably wouldn't have bloomed anyway!)
I like your bowiea vine. I moved mine and it wasn't happy with the move and now I think it croaked.
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