Wednesday, October 07, 2009

October: In a hurry

What happened to my sunny, crisp October? We seem to have zipped from balmy September straight to blustery November. There is even a touch of snow in this weekend's forecast. Snow!! I try not to be a weather whiner but this is just silly. Last weekend, I had just one day to purchase and install some late-season bargain plants (and to watch the Bears game; very important). My spring fantasies of transforming my yard into a carefully planned drift of purple salvia a la the Lurie Garden by October were distilled to their most basic essence: "Home Depot has cheap salvias. Let's buy some and stick them somewhere!" This is how most of my gardening is done so I guess it's not all that noteworthy. Plan? What plan?

No, but seriously, where to put all these salvias? With daylight waning and a lot of busy weekends ahead of me, I didn't have the luxury of pondering the decision for long.  I had decided this summer that I'm tired of the overgrown spireas in front of my garage, so I took action:

Instant garden space!  In a flurry of activity that lasted two hours, I transformed the garage garden from this:
into, well, this mess:
IMG_4189 IMG_4188

But somewhere in there is the groundwork for future success:  four salvias, two snowcap daisies, veronica, amsonia, and a daylily that appealed to me. Pretty much everything else was also dug up, moved, divided, or otherwise manhandled so it wouldn't feel left out. Then the sun set and the rest of the garden was spared. For now. Mwah-ha-ha.

Next year should be very interesting.

Assorted pretties from the McGarden:
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Obedient plant, Physostegia virginiana - a surprise bloom, hidden under the baptisia; aster NOID

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Another aster NOID, possibly ericoides; Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' turtlehead, still blooming happily next to the brown-eyed Susans

My one surviving mum, demonstrating just how obnoxious the spireas were getting.  This knockout shade of orange makes me so happy every time I see it.

For the record, plants I installed on October 4 or 5:
Leucanthemum superbum Snowcap Shasta daisy (1, divided)
Salvia nemorosa East friesland
Salvia nemorosa May Night (x2)
Salvia nemorosa Marcus
Veronica 'Goodness Grows'
Hemerocallis Pardon Me
Asclepias tuberosa butterfly weed (in wayback)
PRAIRIE NURSERY (wayback garden)
Eryngium yuccifolium, rattlesnake master
Amsonia hubrichtii (garage)
Ruellia humilis
Ex-aster novae-angliae
AMERICAN MEADOWS (front garden)
Asarum/wild ginger
white irises (foundation garden)
FARMER'S MARKET (late september sometime)
Tricyrtis 'Empress' (south edge border)


Noelle Johnson said...

You will have to re-post your photos next summer and add your after photos of your beautiful garden.

garden girl said...

Last fall was so warm and beautiful - no frost here until mid-November. I was hoping for a repeat. . . oh well!

Such a great time of year for plant bargains! Looks like you got quite a haul. It's going to be very nice next year!

Diane said...

Yes, I have my fingers crossed! I just hope they all get established in time. I didn't expect it to get so cold so quickly.

Ramble on Rose said...

Today I did a bunch of hurried planting, having received my order from Prairie Moon Nursery on Thursday night (and waiting for yesterday's rain to stop). I'm excited to see how it all turns out next year, but I too am afraid of everything getting damaged by the frost before having a chance to get established! Out here in the 'burbs it's getting really cold!