The stars finally aligned properly and I realized it was Bloom Day in time to actually participate! My little Chicago garden is in its usual May slump in which I just don't have a lot of flowers, but due to the rain the foliage is becoming prematurely riotous and I foresee great things this summer.

The last of the tulips, and my newest purchase, a bright blue birdbath (has settled crookedly in the mud... oops), which my husband makes fun of but I think is gorgeous!

Columbines, self-seeding throughout the shade garden. And dandelions! Yay.

Lilacs, one of the few flowers I like the smell of (I think I associate smelly flowers with my allergies, though of course it's the wind-pollinated ones that are the worst culprits)

A fading tulip that has turned into a bird feeder thanks to some rather messy eaters

The last of the bleeding hearts

Carolina allspice - This is a beautiful and interesting shrub with its reddish brown, straw-like flowers and glossy leaves. More people should plant this.

Red twig dogwood
Pulmonaria, or lungwort, one of the best additions to the garden I've made in ages. I also have a pink one but it's not quite open yet.

Drumstick allium, something I recently added so I would have flowers in May (and nifty seedheads all season)
Zizea aurea, golden Alexanders. For some reason this just never photographs well but trust me, it's adorable.

Can't post flowers without Foleyage! Foley dozes in yesterday's sunshine and hopes Daddy doesn't run the scary mower and dislodge her. Sorry, Foley, but it must be done.
Thanks to Carol at
May Dreams Gardens for hosting GBBD!